The courses consist of a balanced mix of group work and individual work.
- Group work: Groups of up to four students will work as a design team to develop a concept for a responsible AI service for the Municipality of Amsterdam.
- Individual work: Students will independently study the provided course materials, do homework assignments to prepare for workshops, contribute to group work and deliver a written paper at the end of the course.
Final course deliverables:
- Group work: No formal final deliverable.
- Individual work: A written paper that provides a critical reflection on the design concept and provides a convincing argumentation of how the design concept achieves the design goals, creates value for societal stakeholders and responds to ethical issues raised by AI.
Grading is 100% based on the individual paper.
Grading criteria include:
- Clarity of the argumentation
- Strength of the argumentation
- Depths of the exploration of critical design issues
- Consistency of argumentation with the design concepts
- Effective use of supporting literature